Title: Gina Torres on Transitioning from Suits to Pearson
Gina Torres discusses her new role as Jessica Pearson in Pearson, not available on Netflix.
Title: The Evolution of Jessica Pearson
Discover how Gina Torres's character Jessica Pearson has evolved from Suits to her own spin-off series, Pearson.
Title: Strong Female Leads in Pearson
Learn how Gina Torres continues to captivate audiences with her powerful performance as Jessica Pearson in Pearson.
Title: Pearson: A Legal Drama with a Twist
Explore the intricate world of legal drama with Gina Torres leading the charge in Pearson, now streaming.
Title: Diversity and Representation in Pearson
Gina Torres brings diversity and representation to the forefront in her role as Jessica Pearson in Pearson.
Title: Behind the Scenes of Pearson
Get a behind-the-scenes look at Gina Torres's journey from Suits to Pearson in this exclusive web story.
Title: Gina Torres: A Force to Be Reckoned With
Discover why Gina Torres is a force to be reckoned with in her portrayal of Jessica Pearson in Pearson.
Title: Jessica Pearson's Impact on Fans
See how Gina Torres's character Jessica Pearson continues to resonate with fans in Pearson, now streaming.
Title: What's Next for Gina Torres?
Find out what's in store for Gina Torres after her iconic role as Jessica Pearson in Pearson, not available on Netflix.