1: Start your day with a healthy Mediterranean diet breakfast for busy girls.
2: Try Greek yogurt with mixed berries and nuts for a protein-packed meal.
3: Opt for avocado toast with a sprinkle of feta cheese and a drizzle of olive oil.
4: Whip up a quick smoothie with spinach, banana, and almond milk for a nutritious boost.
5: Prepare overnight oats with chia seeds, honey, and fresh fruit for a grab-and-go option.
6: Don't forget to include whole grains like whole wheat toast or oatmeal for sustained energy.
7: Incorporate lean protein like eggs or smoked salmon to keep you full until lunchtime.
8: Stay hydrated with a cup of green tea or a glass of water with lemon.
9: Remember to listen to your body and choose breakfast options that make you feel your best.
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